Energy Independent Caroline

Supporting Caroline on policies and initiatives to address climate change by promoting energy conservation and renewable energy use.


To advise the Caroline Town Board on policies and initiatives to address climate change by promoting energy conservation and renewable energy use.


  • Mike Brown (Chair)

  • Don Barber

  • Dave Ritchie

  • Steve Nicholson

  • Julie Hansen

  • Jonathan Comstock

  • Mary Alyce Kobler

Town Board Liaison 

Mark Witmer


Don Barber

Request to Join Email Listserv: Energy Independent Caroline


Energy Independent Caroline began Meeting in December of 2005. Since then, we have met with representatives from New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and other organizations working on renewable energy. A number of them gave presentations at our meetings about a wide range of energy related topics, providing us with important facts. We are doing our homework so that we have information on not only the initial costs, but also long term maintenance costs.

Besides wind power, we are investigating micro-hydro and solar power which can readily be used in a residential setting.

In addition to looking at renewable energy production for the long run, we are promoting ways to save energy and money by using efficient light bulbs, stopping air leaks, and other things that can help people now.

In 2004 the Town of Caroline became the 8th municipality in New York to purchase wind power to provide part of the municipal electrical needs. In 2005 Caroline became the 2nd municipality to purchase wind power for 100% of its electricity use. The Governor recognized this achievement by presenting the town a plaque which hangs in the Town Hall.


Our monthly meeting is currently the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 7 pm at the Old Town Hall.

Join meeting on Zoom

Meeting ID: 714 258 0644

One tap mobile: +19292056099, 7142580644#

Dial by phone: +1 929 205 6099

Please note: Meetings are occasionally rescheduled. Visit the town calendar for the most up-to-date information!

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