Watershed Committee
To advise the Town Board and educate the community on the protection and management of the quantity and quality of our water.
To advise the Town Board and educate the community on the protection and management of the quantity and quality of our water.
Kristen Hychka
Jackie Cassaniti
Lucy Gagliardo
Rick Rosoff
Becky DeWitt
Barry Goodrich
Mark Witmer
Watersheds are ‘the area of land that that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet such as the outflow of a reservoir, mouth of a bay, or any point along a stream channel’.
For example, the outlet to the Six Mile Creek Watershed--in the larger Lake Ontario Watershed--is the Cayuga Lake Inlet.
The Town of Caroline falls within two major watersheds. Most of the town is in the Lake Ontario Watershed, draining via Six Mile, Cascadilla, and Fall Creeks to Cayuga Lake and then northward to Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence. The southeast portion of the town drains southward via the West Branch of Owego Creek to the Susquehanna River and then to Chesapeake Bay.
Contact us if you suspect a stormwater problem
All calls are confidential and callers will remain anonymous.
Please call the Town Code Officer 539-6400 x 3 to report any of the following.
Actual or suspected illegal discharges to roadside ditches
Unusual colors or cloudiness in a waterway
Trash or debris in a drainage system or waterway
A leaking automobile
Wash-water being dumped on the street
Oily residue or foul smell in roadside ditches
Committee Updates
KEY Documents
Meeting Information
Our monthly meeting is currently the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 4 pm, by Zoom:
Direct: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7142580644
Meeting ID: 714 258 0644
One tap mobile: +19292056099, 7142580644#
Dial by phone: +1 929 205 6099
Please note: Meetings are occasionally rescheduled. Visit the town calendar for the most up-to-date information!
View Town Calendar