Caroline Town Offices
Town of Caroline Offices (left) & Old Town Hall (right)
Town of Caroline Offices: Town Supervisor, Town Clerk, and Community Reading Room

Old Town Hall: Town Court, Town Meetings, and Caroline History Room
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Please contact any of the town departments with your needs and questions.
Town of Caroline
2668 Slaterville Road (Street)
PO Box 136 (Mailing)
Slaterville Springs, NY 14881
(607) 539-6400
Town Directory
Under New York State town law, citizens have direct influence over the operation of their town government.
In the Town of Caroline, citizens independently elect the offices of Clerk, Highway Superintendent, and Justices. The offices of Building Codes and Historian are appointed by the Town Council.
Towns, unlike villages and cities, were only recently designated incorporated municipal corporations. Previously, they were referred to as “subdivisions of the county.” Originally, towns dealt only with such things as elections, the administration of law, and the construction and maintenance of roads. However, the increasing urbanization of the state and, more recently, the flight of population from central cities to adjacent towns has meant that towns have assumed greater powers. While towns are divided into three classes (“First”- more than 10,000 residents; “Second”-less than 10,000 residents; and “Suburban”- over 25,000 residents or 7,500 residents and close to a large city), the importance of such categories has decreased as all towns now provide the services that cities and villages provide, such as planning, police protection, and highway construction and maintenance.
Town Government differs from many city governments in that the majority of power rests in the legislature, or the town board, and that towns do not have a strong, separate executive branch of government. The leader of the town board, the town supervisor, is responsible for routine administration and will act as the treasurer, pay salaries, and sell or lease land as directed by the town board.
Source: State of New York, Department of State. Local Government Handbook. Albany, New York: Department of State, 1987.