Old Town Hall Restoration Project
The Pre-bid Conference for the Old Town Hall Restoration Project has been postponed to Thursday, February 27th, at 1 pm.
The Town of Caroline seeks proposals for design services and development of bid specification documents for the Old Town Hall Restoration Project funded by a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. See Old Town Hall Restoration Project on the town website for RFP and Key Documents. Proposals are due by 2 pm EST on Thursday March 6, 2025.
The Pre-bid Conference for the Old Town Hall Restoration Project has been postponed to Thursday, February 27th, at 1 pm.
The Town of Caroline seeks proposals for design services and development of bid specification documents for the Old Town Hall Restoration Project funded by a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. See Old Town Hall Restoration Project on the town website for RFP and Key Documents. Proposals are due by 2 pm EST on Thursday March 6, 2025.
This page is for documents related to the restoration of our historic old town hall in The Town of Caroline.
One of only five historic schoolhouse structures still standing in Caroline and one of only two open to the public for civic use, the District No. 2 School provides valuable insight into the nature of nineteenth century education in rural Central New York.
Over its period of significance as a schoolhouse from 1869 to 1959, the building’s design adapted to changing technologies and social structures over the period of the region’s most rapid development. This is evident in the transition from wood stove heating to single pipe steam radiators, addition of interior chemical toilets and electricity, and consolidation of high school classes to a central facility in 1920.
These qualities fulfill Criterion A in the National Register Criteria. [ excerpt from “Historic Structure Report” ]
Town of Caroline FAQ for Old Town Hall RFP_REVISED MAR 3 2025
Full RFP - OTH Restoration Project - EPF -239463 (v2) 1.pdf (updated 02.03.2025)
Historic Structure Report_S. Coons_5-2017_FINAL 2.pdf
Caroline Town Hall Condition Report_2002_LRv2.pdf
04NR05259_100856 NR Nomination.pdf
Caroline Town Hall EX1 5 31 2023.pdf
Caroline Town Hall EX2 5 31 2023.pdf
Project Updates
The Town of Caroline seeks proposals for design services and development of bid specification documents for the Old Town Hall Restoration Project funded by a grant from the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. See Old Town Hall Restoration Project on the town website for RFP and Key Documents. Proposals are due by 2 pm EST on Thursday March 6, 2025.