Zoning: Preliminary Report

PRELIMINARY REPORT to the Town of Caroline Town Board Prepared by the Town of Caroline Zoning Commission Dated January 31, 2023 which includes the January 2023 Draft of 'Town of Caroline Zoning Law' complete report, text and maps here [ Full Report Ver. Jan 31st 2023 ]
Map only is here [ MAP ]
​Draft Zoning Law only here [
Draft 2023.01.31 ]

Public Hearings
- The Zoning Commission will be holding two public hearings on this report: Right column here on desktop. Scroll down on mobile. Also on home page, town calendar, listserv and newspapers. Feb 22, Feb 28.

November 2022 Draft
of 'Town of Caroline Zoning Law' Text and Maps Version: Nov 11th 2022. Here is an updated map page 37.

Here is the pdf of the PowerPoint slide show from Nov 28.


​The Zoning Commission of the Town of Caroline has completed the Preliminary Report to the Town Board. This report, dated January 31, 2023, contains the complete draft of the zoning law as well as a report on the work of the Zoning Commission since March 2021. It also details the sections of the Zoning Law that relate directly to goals from the Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, it lists many changes that were made to the first and second drafts following input from the public. (see upper left of the Zoning Commision Page of Town website)

The Zoning Commission will be holding two public hearings on this report on:

February 22, 2023 
at the Town Hall in Slaterville Springs from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. This meeting will be for in-person attendees and for those who participate via Zoom.  The public will sign-up in person or on Zoom to speak and speakers will be allowed up to 4 minutes each. Agenda

February 28, 2023
 at the Brooktondale Fire Station from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.  This will be an in-person meeting only. Attendees will register to speak and will each be allowed up to 4 minutes. Agenda

The Zoning Commission also welcomes comments in writing. Please address those to the Zoning Commission, and send them to the Town Clerk, PO Box 136, Slaterville Springs, NY 14881 or bring them to the Town Clerk's Office, or email them to 
Clerk@TownofCaroline.org.  Written comments must be postmarked, emailed, or left at the Clerk's office by Friday, March 3, 2023,

Thank you for your consideration of this report,
Jean McPheeters, Chair
for the Zoning Commission of the Town of Caroline


Zoning: Final Report


Letter re. Zoning dated 1/17/22