Local Law 2024-2: Town of Caroline Zoning Law


About this Law

On March 20, 2024, the Caroline Town Board adopted the town’s first zoning law. Many community volunteers made this a reality by their diligent work on the Planning Board, the Task Force for Land Use and Economic Development, and especially, the Zoning Commission.

The zoning law promotes the goals of the town’s Comprehensive Plan. It is designed to promote livable residential centers while protecting open space. Highlights of the proposed zoning law include: Four types of districts are established: Agricultural/Rural, Hamlets (7), Focused Commercial, and a “Stream Corridor Overlay” District. These districts were defined by current patterns of development and environmental conditions, with the goal of protecting and promoting the quality of life in each of the parts of the town and the town overall. 

  • Housing of all types is permitted in all districts and there are incentives for senior and affordable housing units. Design Standards are established for commercial businesses.

  • Home Business and Residential Secondary Businesses are permitted throughout Caroline, supporting local businesses and the local economy. 

  • Agricultural Operations and Structures are permitted in all districts. Major Subdivisions and commercial developments are required to establish buffers with adjacent Agricultural Operations.

  • Two measures promote preservation of open space and are protective of agriculture in the town. In the Ag/Rural District the zoning law establishes a 3-acre average for future subdivisions. This is a modest subdivision limit that promotes the preservation of open space and gives landowners the right to establish how their land is subdivided. The second measure is the Conservation Subdivision provision for Major Subdivisions in the Ag/Rural District. It is designed to conserve open land (50%) and protect the environment. 

  • The Stream Corridor Overlay District establishes riparian (stream) buffers to protect our waterways and fresh waters, as well as property owners and their assets. Riparian buffers for Six Mile Creek (horizontal distance from the top of the stream bank on each side of the stream) are 75-ft in the hamlets and 100-ft in the Ag/Rural and Focused Commercial Districts. For other perennial streams, the riparian buffer width is 50-ft. For intermittent streams the riparian buffer width is 25-ft.


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